On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 3:04 AM, Darko Volaric <lists at darko.org> wrote:

> In my case I'm already modifying and maintaining my own version of SQLite.
> [...]. The last time I brought these ideas up I was
> practically chased off by a mob waving pitchforks and torches. Apparently
> almost no-one thinks user defined types is a good idea so there is no point
> sharing it. I don't expect anyone to help me maintain the code.

FWIW,  I think UDTs are a great idea. But also
- optional static typing of columns;
- checksums of blocks;-
- blob two-tier storage (a la Oracle);
- native indexing of virtual table;
- native JSON support;
- etc...

Yes, the community, just like the authors, of SQLite have a strong bias
against changes and to keep SQLite "lite".

And can be brutal in how they say it (or ignore it) when someone rants
about his pet-peeves, or try to push forward his wish list (including me

But remember that SQLite didn't have FKs for a long time. Didn't have CTE.
Both of which are major enhancements. So there's hope long term IMHO :).

Now unlike most (including me again), you go further and actually code it
up apparently. That's great. But it's hard to fork SQLite and get any
traction given the fast-paced refactoring/optimization the main code goes
through. And also UDTs can have widespread side effects within SQLite, hard
to gauge w/o having the whole code-base and design in ones head like DRH.
Might be good enough for you, but not for the high quality standards which
is a hallmark of SQLite IMHO. All I can suggest is continue communicating
and perhaps also OSS your changes on GitHub or similar, and you may get
help somehow.

I suspect (hope really) first-class UDTs in SQLite (as Nico calls them)
haven't been dismissed, and it's more a question of finding the time and
funding to do them right, i.e. in a "lite" way that doesn't adversely
affect SQLite if you don't use them, and thoroughly tested as usual. My
$0.02. --DD

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