On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 11:20 AM, R Smith <rsmith at rsweb.co.za> wrote:

> On 2015/11/16 7:59 PM, Igor Korot wrote:
>> BTW, are only name, type and pk fields are guaranteed to have a value?
> Nothing is guaranteed to have a value unless created with NOT NULL in the
> field specification in the CREATE TABLE schema SQL.
> Usually (in most DBs) a Primary key is guaranteed to not have NULL values,
> but in SQLite it is permissible if the PK is not specifically stated to be

I'll go one further - since this is the results from a PRAGMA call, IMHO
you should make no assumptions at all about whether any of the return
values can be NULL.  PRAGMA are entirely non-standard, and unless something
is specifically guaranteed the outcome is open to changes due to future
implementation changes.


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