On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 12:49 PM, Don V Nielsen <donvnielsen at gmail.com>
> (I guess this begets the question..."Is sqlite's csv import an

No, it is not an extension, it's part of SQLite's shell directly:

Which also means it's not part of the SQLite library itself BTW.

Extensions are shared libraries with known (by convention) entry points
(i.e. functions)
which are loaded via https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/load_extension.html,
which is exposed
by the shell as .load (see "Loading Extensions" in
https://www.sqlite.org/cli.html [1]).

As to your main question, I don't know of such an extension.

Thanks, --DD

PS: Richard, could we have anchors for all h3 titles in the HTML for
https://www.sqlite.org/cli.html, for direct linking please?

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