On 6/29/2016 6:13 AM, R Smith wrote:
Very happy this is sorted for you. Note that Synchronous=OFF should only ever be used on a read-only DB (or at least one where writing only happens when you the user/DB Admin actively makes changes via queries. For anything that should run autonomously, Synchronous should preferably be FULL and at least be ON.

There is a time-penalty to be paid for Synchronous=FULL, but if it isn't part of a user interface and no user to notice that specific thread is lagging a second or two when writing, then it rarely matters.

Okay, thanks. I thought it was generally preferable to use "lower" levels of synchronous. I am not using WAL, so I'll use FULL rather than NORMAL. Seems like I lucked out in the table being corrupted, but recoverable. Is there a simple explanation as to why your query to find duplicates worked correctly, despite the corrupted index, whereas the one I had used did not? Does it mean that your query doesn't use the index?

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