On 20 Aug 2016, at 5:56pm, Lev <leventel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I read in the documentation:
> The WAL journaling mode uses a write-ahead log instead of a rollback journal
> to implement transactions. The WAL journaling mode is persistent; after being
> set it stays in effect across multiple database connections and after closing
> and reopening the database. A database in WAL journaling mode can only be
> accessed by SQLite version 3.7.0 or later.
> So this 'setting' is stored in the database file? Is it enough to do the
> PRAGMA when the database is created?

Yes and yes, but do it this way.

1) Create the database file by opening it.
2) Do something that makes the file non-blank, like creating a table.
3) Issue "PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL"
4) Close the file

From that point onwards that database is in WAL mode and everything opening it 
automatically knows that.  You do the above sequence using your own software or 
the SQLite command-line shell tool.

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