> definitions.  There is already a built-in NOCASE collation that works for
> US-Latin characters.  You'll need to do something more advanced for

I am using US-Latin characters.

> international characters sets, however.  If you need i18n support,
> you can still use the built-in NOCASE collation as an implementation
> guide (it isn't hard) or to experiment with the COLLATE clause on table
> definitions.

I thought I saw mention of that somewhere, but I couldn't find any
occurances of "NOCASE" in the syntax document.

I was hoping for some database wide setting (using 3.x).  Is there not one?

I presume using the collate clause is something on the order of:

    create table participant
            partkey    integer primary key    not null,
            lastname   varchar(40)            not null collate nocase,
            firstname  varchar(40)            null     collate nocase

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