"L. S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been ignoring this issue for a while; the world won't end over this 
> but...
> There is some issue with the newly-designed SQLite web site that
> prevents access from my Palm Treo. It used to be accessible, with the
> old design.
> --
> Often I surf, email, research, read, and download things using
> wireless access on my Treo web browser (and even store a copy of the
> SQLite source on my phone) because it's highly portable, has all day
> battery life, and I can Bluetooth-transfer stored files to my laptop.
> The site is no longer found on this platform. Why is this?

What do you mean "no longer found"?  Do you mean that that
you cannot see anything at all, or that the new design is such
that it is not displayed correctly?

What does the User-Agent header string from your web browser
say on the Palm Treo?  

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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