On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:12 AM, Scott Baker wrote:

> Steven Fisher wrote:
>> On 06-Feb-2008, at 12:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> What do you mean "no longer found"?  Do you mean that that
>>> you cannot see anything at all, or that the new design is such
>>> that it is not displayed correctly?
>> Well, the page definitely doesn't validate:
>> http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fsqlite.org
>> I don't know if that's the issue or not, of course. :)
> I did a quicky patch for the homepage to make it compliant:
> http://www.perturb.org/tmp/sqlite_homepage.patch
> It at least validates with my firefox plugin.

This is a bit off-topic, sorry...

What exactly is that firefox plugin checking? As far as I know,
this kind of thing:

   <hr />

is not valid HTML. It is valid XHTML of course. All browsers
just ignore the "/" character, but I can't think of any document
where this is defined. Does anybody know?

The validator also complained about this:

     <UL> <LI> ....

Ok, fine, you can't nest <UL> inside of <P>. But the spec defines
well what happens in this case. The first <P> tag is closed
automatically by the <UL>. The resulting empty paragraph <P>
is discarded (*special* html rule for <P> - empty paragraphs
have no effect on document layout). The final </P> is discarded
because it doesn't match any opening tag.

So in this case the incorrect HTML is equivalent to the HTML
suggested by the validator. Fair enough I guess, both versions
are unambiguous and the suggested version is better.


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