
At 05:16 03/09/2009, you wrote:
>Thanks for reminding me: A thing's value is generally proportional to
>its cost. And the attitude of its support team figures in there, too.
> >> Whether _you_ consider them problems or not, they were certainly
> >> problems for me, migrating a working application to version 3 and 
> having
> >> it fall over in subtle ways because of these undocumented two vs three
> >> differences. They cost me several hours of unnecessary analysis time.
> >>
> >
> > You should bill DRH for this. Or, ask for your money back. Seriously,
> > esp. since the product is still under warranty.

What a wonderful example of arrogant attitude!  What a brilliant 
understanding you demonstrate of what "open (and _free_) software" means!

DRH, other developpers and hundreds of contributors really should have 
frozen SQLite design from the day You Mighty wrote the first line of 
Your Mighty code, just to avoid You Mighty the horrible frustration of 
having to change Your Mighty code at all.  And this of course until the 
sun goes nova: think of Your Mighty descendants!

What have you contributed so far to allow yourself such superior 
position?  Have you ever shown the faintest step of commitment that so 
many here constantly bring to SQLite, openly or silently?

Are you the author of one definitive "Guide for migrating SQLite v2x to 
v3x applications" that will be available in the Wiki for anyone to 
benefit?  Have you made any proposal to improve existing documentation 
or code?

Please, make us the favor to switch to Oracle or any other utterly 
expensive RDBMS and go whine elsewhere for lack of support/reactivity 
(esp. Oracle).

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