On 7 Oct 2009, at 10:13am, Jean-Denis Muys wrote:

> [setup description]
> I'd appreciate some feedback here or
> pointers to litterature.

You see how complicated you had to get before you had an acceptable  
solution ?  Two extra columns ?  Timestamps ?  Retention of records  
which have to be ignored ?  I see nothing obvious wrong, so here are  
some general comments.

Try really really hard just to have all sites access your MySQL  
database remotely.  MySQL is an excellent client/server version of  
SQL.  You could kill all the complexity you had to invent by just  
having everyone access your database live.  Not only is the  
programming simpler, but you can back everything up in one go, and  
everyone has completely up-to-date data.  If this solution cannot be  
implemented for you, try

Keep a journal.  Keep an unaltered central copy of the data.  As each  
site contacts the central site, play that sites journal back against  
the unaltered central copy.  The post-journal central copy of the  
database becomes the new copy for distribution.

If these just cannot be done, you have to implement your own  
solution.  Check that it handles these nasty scenarios for  

One site deletes a record then another site modifies it.  e.g. Branch  
1 sez "Our supplier withdrew the product 'Flinns' and created a new  
one."; Branch 2 sez "Our supplier renamed their 'Flinns' product to be  
'Flanns' because 'Flinns' is a swearword in Hijinks.  Each site then  
continues selling the new product.  Headquarters considers these the  
same product, and wants sales figures added up, not considered separate.

Superseding UPDATEs.  Starting with three cars: black, red and green,  
one site resprays all black cars red and another site resprays all red  
cars green.  After synchronising, depending on which update you get  
first you may or may not end up with a red car.

Competing UPDATE and INSERT.  One site creates new product for  
category L.  Then Headquarters sends out a memo that category L is now  
category Q but it doesn't know about the new product yet.  The site's  
copy of the database gets accurate data, but since Headquarters got  
the UPDATE first, then the INSERT, it somehow still has a category L  

If your system deals with those, it's most of the way there.

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