Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 7 Oct 2009, at 8:33pm, John Elrick wrote:
>> Isn't this a variation of the DVCS problem?   In other words, would it
>> be correct in saying that the underlying issue is treating this as a
>> database problem, rather than it being a versioning problem which
>> happens to involve a database?
> Yes yes yes.  And look how complicated the programming is to do DVCS  
> correctly.

I would think the programming is relatively easy...the hard part is 
getting the rules right and being confident you've covered all the edge 

> And now the problem is ... What is the resolution of your  
> versioning ?  Do put a version number on each row, or do you consider  
> each column in each row to need its own version number ?  What if one  
> site changes one column and another changes another column of the same  
> row ?  How many version numbers do you want to store for just one  
> table ?

As many as necessary, but no more<g>

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