On 3 Dec 2010, at 4:08am, jtdrexel wrote:

>> It works perfectly 99% of the time, but every now and again, we get
>> database corruption appear randomly. We have not changed any pragmas, so
>> synchronous is set to full and journal_mode delete. It does not correspond
>> to any power failures, or application crashes, and will succeed in pulling
>> back data from the database for hundreds of calls, and then fail on a
>> query that has worked many times before. It can occur in a number of
>> native calls. We have performed integrity checks on the db in question and
>> they return ok (prior to the corruption - androids response to a corrupt
>> db is to delete it, so we can't see its state after corruption).

Is there any possibility at all that you can show us a database after 
corruption ?  Perhaps you can change Android or an Android simulator so it 
renames the database instead of deleting it.

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