On 3 Dec 2010, at 4:08am, jtdrexel wrote:

> Some people say that the "dialer
> storage" is related to sms and mms because the file size of the 'dialer
> storage' file changes accordingly with the deletion and addition of
> messages. Is the sms database and SQLite database? and is it located in the
> 'dialer storge' file?

The people at Google who wrote Android would definitely know the answers to 
these questions.  If they want our help they know where to post, and they're in 
a position to give us much more error information than you can.

> Some people have reported that when the 'dialer
> storage' file size gets too large this same sms-vanishing issue occurs.

There are no file-size problems with SQLite at anything as small as a file of 
1000 SMS messages.  From the various reports in that thread I can guess (but 
it's only a guess) that the problem isn't with SQLite at all but with some 
lower-level system like the file system or working memory or a corrupted copy 
of the software.

> Please let me and others know (at the code.google.com fourm mentioned above)

If you want help, you post here and we'll answer here.  If one of the SQLite 
developers wants to post to that list they'll do it.

> if there is something we can collectively do to help because apperently
> google has been ignoring to address the 1000s of customer complaints
> regarding the very issue.

Okay I've scanned the thread now.  We're happy to help anyone who can provide 
us with debugging information but the simple news that the database has become 
corrupted is not enough to let us figure out what's happening.  If you can 
provide us with a copy of a corrupted database (just before it's about to be 
deleted) then that will at least give us something to look at.

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