On 26 May 2011, at 3:49pm, john darnell wrote:

> I am still trying to get SQLite to work on my Mac.  I want to make sure I am 
> doing what I should be doing.  Here are the steps I have taken:
> 1.)      I downloaded and uncompressed sqlite-autoconf-3070602.tar.gz from 
> the SQLite download page.

The top one, with just .c and .h is adequate.  You shouldn't end up using any 
of the scripts or makefiles for building.

> 2.)     I moved SQLite3.c and SQLite3.h into my source folder and added them 
> to the project.

> I made no changes to the code nor did I do anything special when I added them 
> to my project (i.e. I did not set any special compile flags-I simply added 
> the two files to the project).

Make sure sqlite3.c is 'ticked' next to 'Target Membership' for your product 

Also make sure sqlite3.c is listed as 'C source' and sqlite3.h is listed as 'C 
header' under 'Identity and Type'.

> 3.)     I compiled and received 1200+ errors.

Try the above, and if those don't go away, post the first one or two (note all 
1200+) here.

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