Mr. Slavin, here's the information you requested:

Please note that I am working in Xcode 3.1.3.  That may or may not be part/all 
of the problem.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Simon Slavin
> Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 10:01 AM
> To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite in Xcode
> > 1.)      I downloaded and uncompressed sqlite-autoconf-3070602.tar.gz from 
> > the
> SQLite download page.
> The top one, with just .c and .h is adequate.  You shouldn't end up using any 
> of
> the scripts or makefiles for building.

I can confirm that I only moved/added sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h into the source 
folder and into the project.

> > 2.)     I moved SQLite3.c and SQLite3.h into my source folder and added 
> > them to
> the project.
> > I made no changes to the code nor did I do anything special when I added 
> > them
> to my project (i.e. I did not set any special compile flags-I simply added 
> the two
> files to the project).
> Make sure sqlite3.c is 'ticked' next to 'Target Membership' for your product 
> file.

I am not someone who uses Xcode frequently--I usually develop on Windows and 
port t the Mac, but if by "Target Membership" you mean the last column in the 
pane that lists all files when the project name is selected in the Groups & 
Files pane, headed by an icon that looks like a target, the sqlite3.c file is 

> Also make sure sqlite3.c is listed as 'C source' and sqlite3.h is listed as 
> 'C header'
> under 'Identity and Type'.

I clicked the sqlite3.c filename in the Groups & Files panel, clicked the 
information icon (the blue button with the white 'i' at the top of the window). 
 Under the General tab, under the File Type dropdown, the file is listed as 
'sourcecode.c.c', and the sqlite3.h file is listed as 'sourcecode.c.h.'  If you 
have in mind some other location, please let me know.

> > 3.)     I compiled and received 1200+ errors.
> Try the above, and if those don't go away, post the first one or two (note all
> 1200+) here.

Here are two errors out of the 1200+ errors generated (I tried to include as 
much information as possible to help identify the problem.  Please forgive if I 
am overdoing it...):

        Compiling /.../sqlite3.c
        Error:invalid conversion from "void *" to "char *"
        This error was marked at line 13726.

        Error:forward declaration of 'struct SrcList_item'
        This error was marked at line 11047.

There were six warnings as well, most of which were warnings about division by 


> Simon.
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