On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 1:25 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>> I think ... a higher priority than that would be handling Unicode
>> correctly.  And having Unicode support would be useful in writing the code
>> which handles dates.
> size of SQLite library:  approx 500 KB
> size of ICU library: approx 21,919 KB
> The ICU library (needed to handle Unicode "correctly") is over 40x larger
> than SQLite.  Can you understand then why we don't want to make SQLite
> dependent upon ICU?

I completely agree.  It'd be nice if SQLite3 could have an option for
a weak dependency on ICU.  I.e., if it can be found with dlopen(),
then use it, else not; a pragma could be used by applications to check
whether SQLite3 found ICU, or to require that it always be found for
any given DB file.  Along these lines it'd be nice if a DB file could
record required loadable extensions and provide a single pragma to
load them all, with errors returned when compiling or running
statements other than pragmas until the required extensions are

> If you really need correct ICU support, SQLite will optionally link with
> ICU and use it.  But *requiring* SQLite to link against ICU is a
> deal-breaker for many users.

FYI, the OpenSolaris Unicode library is significantly smaller, most
likely because it deals only with normalization, case conversion, and
codepoint prohibitions -- everything needed for "stringprep" and
normalization- and case-insensitive string comparison.  The data
tables reside in a header file and are 1.8 MB.  The code is 55KB, +
3KB of headers.  The license for this is CDDL (a per-file copyleft, as
opposed to project-wide copyleft), which is not quite as free as ICU's
license (which is essentially a two-clause BSD license), but probably
good enough for most projects that use SQLite3.  FreeBSD, for example,
includes u8_textprep, probably because it also includes ZFS (which
depends on u8_textprep).  This is still many times larger than
SQLite3, but still more than ten times smaller than ICU.

(scroll down to u8_textprep.h and u8_textprep_data.h)

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