On 3 Aug 2012, at 8:32pm, Tobias Giesen <tobiasgie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a problem with this. Even when I invoke an old sqlite3 
> executable, Mountain Lion still launches 3.7.12.

What are you doing to 'invoke' ?

Put the executable in a folder with your database.  cd to that folder.  type

./sqlite3 databasename.sqlite

> Apparently Apple 
> prevents starting other versions of it and redirects everything to
> their current version in /usr/bin.

There really isn't anything like this in OS X.  The 'which' command will tell 
you which version you'll get if you don't specify a folder

which sqlite3

if you specify a folder for your executable you get the one you specified.

Of course if you have installed DarwinPorts or anything like that you deserve 
all the confusion you created.

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