On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 8:36 AM, John McKown
<john.archie.mck...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, I did a git clone to fetch the LibreOffice source. It appears to
> be a mixture of Java, C, and C++. Just some stats:
> $find . -name '*.c' | wc
>     108     108    3908
> ~/source-oem/libreoffice-core$find . -name '*.cpp' | wc
>      26      26    1360
> ~/source-oem/libreoffice-core$find . -name '*.java' | wc
>    3329    3329  206921
> ~/source-oem/libreoffice-core$find . -name '*.cxx' | wc
>    9562    9562  405662
> And, for "fun", I ran: for i in c cpp cxx java;do echo "$i";wc $(find
> . -name "*.${i}");done |& tee mckown
> to get the number of lines of code in each of those.
> c == 45,322 lines
> cpp == 4,600 lines
> cxx == 5,162,525
> java == 616,578 lines
> So C++ "wins" by about a 3:1 ratio of number of files and 10:1 ratio
> in terms of lines of code over Java.

There is also a breakdown of libre office code here with graphs and a table:

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