I have observed that my list in squeezer does ocassionally change
(without re-booting any of the connected devices, though they are set to
reboot every 3 days running from crontab). FYI I have an LMS on my wired
network and 4 off squeezelite players connected via wired or wireless
I also hear what you say about an RFE to the UI maintainer, though I
have found that they are not very responsive (they also probably have
full time jobs and families ;-) ).
I was thinking about this and basically agreed with the point you made
... right up to the moment I thought about the LMS control web page
which is run from the web server for the LMS server and ALWAYS displays
the list in a correctly sorted order.
Thus this action is already being done and the information requested
exists in one format at least and from the LMS server itself, though
maybe in a slightly different subsystem.
I also understand that Michael is maintaining someone else's code and
it's basically a labour of honour (kudos to him) to support a community
of people who find it a VERY useful and worthwhile effort.
The project works as it is and thus thus is more of a 'niggle' than a
fault. having said that I thought the point of these communities was to
report all issues and the developers prioritise issues depending upon
fault seriousness, usability impact (and of course time and money
(mostly synonomous) available to undertake them).
Given the fact that the function call to LMS seems to be handled via
pearl and that there also seems to be a few members, who have more than
my poor capability in that area, perhaps (as per the previous where
Geralt and Austins68 submitted suggested code) some kind soul would
proffer the same which could then be considered (not as an urgent
priority) for review and inclusion in any subsequent version increment ?
Meanwhile any user (for example me) who have now modd'd their Queries.pm
file and feel reasonably confident to follow a cognocenti's
instructions, could trial such mods, helping Michael with a mini Beta
test group ;-)
Thanks For Your Time

@pippin, not quite sure who you were "me tooing" ;-)

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