Learnincurve wrote: 
> Stupid question here:
> If I have a custom-convert.conf file in the plugin directory, does
> that completely override C-3PO? I.e would C-3PO be ignored for that
> plugin?

Inside LMS there is a 'table' with key: 

IN format, OUT formar, SB Model, SB  mac address.

Profiles are loaded by LMS in this order:

1. convert.conf, 
2. custom_convert.conf in the server foder, 
3. custom_convert.conf in plugins folder (don't know in witch order, I
assumme is alphabetical).

When a profile is found is replaced by the new one.

Then plugins (like C--3PO) could handle directly the table, loading,
deleting or replacing  'profiles'.

SO, answering your question, NO custom_convet.conf in ANY plugin folder
will not override C-3PO settings, BUT  some other plugin could sure
replace profiles loaded by C-3PO (I know at least dsdplay does).

That's why you have the final resulting table exposed in C-3P0.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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