Sounds like I'm being a bit paranoid!  Which is good!

I have to admit, I've been very lucky with my computer hardware.  My
original LMS server has actually been running for 11 years now, and all
that's died in that time is a power supply.  I'm actually a little
amazed that the disc's are still spinning happily.  The age of that box
is 99% of the motivation for getting a new server up and running.  It's
been on borrowed time for way too long!  FWIW, I'm typing this forum
entry on a 2008 vintage Mac Pro, I seem to cling to hardware for far too
long :-)  A couple of hard disks, and a new graphics card is all this
beast has needed in that lifetime!

and yes, while I hang on to the hardware for too long, I do have backup
drives of any critical data!  Which reminds me, I'm about due to refresh
those!  Another reason a NAS is on my wish list!

Thanks again for all the comments and suggestions!  Cheers, Dave

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and a Bandwidth from DC to Daylight
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