
'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

================= QLogitechMediaServer version 2.03.20
===================================== 26-01-2019
* On some QNap Nas-systems, LMS did not start. And there was a error
source not connected !
( In some cases the qpkg share, was not proper handled and mounted in
the chroot root.)
In this releases this is FIXED ! ( thanks to jtudor ! )
* The ./QLogitechMediaServer.sh config, now give much more info !
( Very handy, to check options, or when you have errors/trouble !)
+ Added a startup network/avahi check, if not set or proper handled,
will exit with a error !
( This to prevented, that lms seems running, but can't be used ! )
+ New options backup and restore added !
Now you can make a backup and restore, the settings for LMS and
( Could be very helpful, if you need to uninstall and reinstall
QLogitechMediaServer !
With Uninstall/reinstalling QLogitechMediaServer, the backup wont be
So after reinstalling, you could restore the old settings.
The backup file, will be written in the Public share ! )
For a backup do ./QLogitechMediaServer.sh backup, to restore
./QLogitechMediaServer.sh restore !
IMPORTANT will only backup the settings, not the LMS layout !
! Suggestion after its running, do ./QLogitechMediaServer.sh backup, to
have a backup from the settings !
! Still having trouble, check to forum, otherwise please included the
log-file and if exist the log-file.err!
! You're QNap model is not supported, please send me the output from
uname -m, so i can have a look if it can run QLogitechMediaServer !

Questions or trouble regarding LogitechMediaServer itself , go to the
SlimDevices forum website. 

More information on MusicIP, go to https://www.spicefly.com/ or

No need to uninstall any old lms installations, from version 2.00.00,
can be installed beside any other lms or perl installations.

'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*
digimaster's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66919
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108702

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