bpa wrote: 
> The AnyEvent scheduler is just within LMS - it shares out the time
> between tasks looking after webpages, playing audio and other network
> access. So plugins have to play nice or it will just lockup LMS. Other
> application in the Max2play will be unaffected.
> As the AnyEvent scheduler shares time among LMS core tasks - it can
> requested to broadly monitor time spent by tasks -  if one task take a
> long time it becomes very obvious. 
> It is enabled using the command line option ""--perfwarn=0.5" where the
> 0.5 is the time threshold in seconds and output is in the log file
> perfmon.log with an etry for each time the threshold is exceeded.
> It is not a great tool for finding problem but may show something up.

To run this monitor I suppose I need to add  the command line option
when LMS is started. Is there an easy way to do that?

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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