Check the scanner.log for any hint about the failure to scan.
I have checked the scanner log and there are no errors. I'm not sure I

You can enable logging for the scanner, re-run a scan, then check the file again.

have pointed LMS to the proper playlist location (post Catalina). I even

Is this a fresh installation? You shouldn't have to change anything if you did an upgrade.

tried to export my playlists, put them into a different directory and

Export playlists from where?

point LMS to that with no luck. The scanner log simply states it
processed. The most recent attempt was to use the LMS OS X System
Preference and point the playlist folder to Music/iTunes/iTunes Media
and I check the box that states "use iTunes". I have tried both checking
the box and not checking the box.

Don't check the iTunes box if you didn't use it before.

You should probably start by telling us more about your setup. Where's your music stored? Your playlists? Did this work before?


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