Hello. I know this problem's been dealt with, but nothing I do seems to
make it go away.

Since I updated my installation of Arch Linux for ARM (to version
5.6.11-1-ARCH), I can longer start LMS. "systemctl status
logitechmediaserver.service" produces this: 

    ● logitechmediaserver.service - Logitech Media Server Daemon
  Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/logitechmediaserver.service; enabled; 
vendor preset: disabled)
  Active: inactive (dead) since Tue 2020-05-12 12:25:14 UTC; 41min ago
  Main PID: 505 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  mai 12 12:25:12 alarm systemd[1]: Started Logitech Media Server Daemon.
  mai 12 12:25:14 alarm slimserver.pl[505]: The following CPAN modules were 
found but cannot work with Logitech Media Server:
  mai 12 12:25:14 alarm slimserver.pl[505]:   Image::Scale (loaded 0.11, need 
  mai 12 12:25:14 alarm slimserver.pl[505]: To fix this problem you have 
several options:
  mai 12 12:25:14 alarm slimserver.pl[505]: 1. Install the latest version of 
the module(s) using CPAN: sudo cpan Some::Module
  mai 12 12:25:14 alarm slimserver.pl[505]: 2. Update the module's package 
using apt-get, yum, etc.
  mai 12 12:25:14 alarm slimserver.pl[505]: 3. Run the .tar.gz version of 
Logitech Media Server which includes all required CPAN modules.
  mai 12 12:25:14 alarm systemd[1]: logitechmediaserver.service: Succeeded.

I've tried all the options given, but none of them fixes the problem.
Regarding Option 3., I tried re-installing my existing version of LMS
(logitechmediaserver-7.9.2.arch2-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz), installing a
different version of 7.9.2 (logitechmediaserver-7.9.2-arm-linux.tgz),
and installing the latest nightly
(logitechmediaserver-7.9.3-1588164984-arm-linux.tgz), but the first two
don't change anything and the last fails with this message (sorry about
the French): 

    erreur : méta-données du paquet manquantes dans 
  erreur : 
paquet non valide ou corrompu

I tried to downgrade version 0.11 of Image::Scale to version 0.08 using
cpanm, but the installation fails. I tried removing the existing
Scale.pm from its directory altogether, but it still failed, even with
the --force option. I also tried opening Scale.pm and changing the
version number to "0.08" directly in the file. Each time I disabled,
then re-enabled LMS. Each time I got the same result as above about the
wrong module version - _including_ when the Scale.pm file had been
removed altogether (I took care to stop and disable, then re-enable LMS
each time, and also rebooted several times).

Then I uninstalled LMS completely using pacman. After that "status"
showed "service not found". Then I re-installed version 7.9.2 and
"status" again showed the same message "... Image::Scale (loaded 0.11,
need 0.08) ..." _even though the file Scale.pm is still absent from its
directory_. How can 0.11 be loaded when the file isn't even there? I
also installed and ran Module::Refresh with cpanm to try to force the
module to reload, but that made no difference - so I'm not sure what
"loaded 0.11" means.

I'd appreciate any help as to how to proceed. I'd be happy to provide
any information anyone might need.


Logitech Media Server Version: Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 -
ARCH-AUR-REL.7.9.2.arch2 running on Wandboard Quad, music library on
Squeezebox Touch plugged into run-of-the-mill stereo rig via Musical
Fidelity X-Act, extra speakers in kitchen, basement, and bedroom
connected by ordinary (not unidirectional) copper cable.
Lestrad's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40857
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=112192

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