whitman wrote: 
> RobbH, I'm a fan of patience, specially where your advice is concerned.
> I had not done these settings, mainly because I had no idea they were
> there.
> So, I did indeed set them, and (I'm loathe to say this, as I've suffered
> from early optimism before, but...) it does seem to be delivering a good
> result.
> Even with the caveats that I've read about in those interesting posts
> and links above on the psychology and engineering of so-called
> randomness, still I'm impressed. 
> This does (careful now...) seem to have sorted it for me, for which many
> thanks.
> There is a but, though. The only thing not right is that I only get a
> playlist of ten songs. Plays ten "random" (maybe we ought to call them
> shuffled?) songs from my defined source, then stops. Does this have
> anything to do with the "Now Playing will show" bit, or is it another
> setting somewhere else I don't know about yet? I'd like it to just keep
> going till I tell it to stop.
> Anyway, randomly speaking, I'm smiling. Ta.

Thanks! I'm glad that has helped. About your remaining issue, I have
experienced the same thing sometimes. I THINK it has usually happened if
I try to add random play to the existing current playlist. In other
words, I click the plus sign on Random Songs rather than the play icon;
ten tracks are added to the end of playlist, but nothing else is added
after they play. If instead I click on the play icon, it replaces the
current playlist with ten tracks and continues to add more tracks as
those are played.

As to why it happens, I don't know. Possibly LMS somehow thinks a
different random mix is still playing. Stopping play or clearing the
playlist might make a difference. (But of course, when you add tracks to
the current playlist, clearing the playlist is exactly what you don't
want to do.)

Sorry, I don't have a definite answer for you. All I can tell you is
that it usually doesn't happen for me. Maybe you can determine what
causes this glitch to occur.

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.
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