> You need to bring in the CPAN subdirectory from
> https://github.com/Logitech/slimserver-vendor instead of using generic
> Perl packages because there are dependencies that will make
> logitechmediaserver quit working if you update Perl.
> You need to bring in, compile, and statically link particular local
> versions of helper utilities and libraries, also from
> https://github.com/Logitech/slimserver-vendor. To wit: flac, faad,
> wavpack. The known good compile/link options can be found at
> https://audiodigitale.eu/?p=87


> Note that your build from source instructions refer to:
> https://github.com/Logitech/slimserv...rchive/public/...
> There is no longer an "archive" subdirectory of slimserver-vendor, and
> the faad tree there has a README that sends people to
> https://github.com/ralph-irving/faad2
> Stuff is starting to spread out, and it is a growing challenge to chase
> down to the correct canonical versions.

The slimserver vendor repository contains all the perl modules and the
At the moment all the perl modules in the official repository are
following the philosophy ""if it works don't touch it". 
While sometimes this may work I don't really share this pov. Because
when something will start to not work anymore, since it will be severly
outdated, it will be a real pain to fix it. Due to this a made a fork
here https://github.com/simonefil/slimserver-vendor and updated pretty
much all the perl modules used by LMS (and, Q.E.D., it has been a real
In the next days I will update also the source for the binaries used,
faad2 included. (Both on github and in the FreeBSD package)

For a very quick fix while I work on the update, to be able to listen to
ALAC files you just need to edit the conver.conf files and change the
transcoding lines for ALAC in this way:

For alac -> wav

  alc pcm * *
        # FT:{START=-j %s}U:{END=-e %u}
        [alac] $FILE$

for alac -> mp3

  alc mp3 * *
        # FB:{BITRATE=--abr %B}D:{RESAMPLE=--resample %D}T:{START=-j 
%s}U:{END=-e %u}
        [alac] $FILE$ | [lame] --silent -q $QUALITY$ $RESAMPLE$ $BITRATE$ - -

for alac -> flac

  alc flc * *
        # FT:{START=-j %s}U:{END=-e %u}D:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
        [alac] $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t flac -C 0 $RESAMPLE$ -

Simonef's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67438
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=113909

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