digimaster wrote: 
> Strangely enough QLMS will do nothing with the SSOTS/SSODS directories.
> But if previous settings are lost, you could check if a backup is made.
> Normally QLMS always tries to make a backup off settings and installed
> plugins.
> In ssh shell do "ls $(/bin/acho /share/*/Public)"
> Now look at the files QLMS_BCKUP_?.?.tgz.
> If they are files called like that write done the latest name, go to "cd
> /share/*/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer". No error check is
> QLogitechMediaServer.sh exist by doing "ls".
> If it exist do the following command " ./QLogitechMediaServer.sh restore
> ../../Public/QLMS_BCKUP_?.?.tgz", where the ? are replaced with the
> numbers a the newest file.
> This will restore the latest settings and plugins friom that backup
> file.
> And then a remark, please on error send me QLogitechMediaServer.log.err
> and QLogitechMediaServer.log.
> Without those i can't help in any way.

Thanks Digimaster, no need help to restore settings for me, I restored
them myself quickly myself.

Was just advising my observations.

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