Strangely enough QLMS will do nothing with the SSOTS/SSODS directories.
The same with the SlimServer/ directory.

But is previous settings are lost, you could check if a backup is made.

In ssh shell do "ls $(/bin/acho /share/*/Public)"
Now look at the files QLMS_BCKUP_?.?.tgz.
If they are files called like that write done the latest name, go to "cd
/share/*/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer". No error check is exist by doing "ls".
If it exist do the following command " ./ restore
../../Public/QLMS_BCKUP_?.?.tgz", where the ? are replaced with the
numbers a the newest file.
This will restore the latest settings and plugins friom that backup

And then a remark, please on error send me QLogitechMediaServer.log.err
and QLogitechMediaServer.log.
Without those i can't help in any way.

snoopstaa wrote: 
> After installing QLMS 2.25 my error logs returned the same as mucbox's
> issue and my Slimserver folder location was wiped too.
> > 
  >   > [QLogitechMediaServer] error: \e[41mThere is a error on Perl !\e[0m
  > Error the [\e[41m/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer\e[0m] is 
not monunted in chroot!
> > 
> QTS 4.x and QLMS 2.25 is not working for me, I had to downgrade back
> to QLMS 2.21 by manually downloading the .qpkg from
>, uninstall QLMS 2.25 and then
> installing QLMS 2.21, then worked but had lost all previous config.

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.

'Thanks for the DONATIONS' (*
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