I also see problem on QNAP TS-439+ pro II QTS 4.2.6

See example below and attached log files...

  [admin@QNAP2 LogitechMediaServer]$ ./QLogitechMediaServer.sh stop
  /sbin/notice_log_tool: invalid option -- T
  Usage: /sbin/notice_log_tool [OPTION]...
  Manipulate notice logs in system.
  -h, --help              Display this help and exit.
  -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output.
  -c, --initdb            Initialize the table for notice logs.
  -r, --rmdb              Remove the table for notice logs.
  -f, --flushdb           Flush all data in the table for notice logs.
  -M, --modifydb          Modify notice logs.
  -R, --rmlog             Remove over 30 days logs.
  -b, --maxlog N          Set the max number of logs to N.
  -E, --sendEng MSG       send MSG into the notice log.
  -a, --append MSG        Append MSG into the notice log.
  -t, --severity [0-7]    Specify the notice severity.
  -u, --user USER         Specify the username.
  -p, --ip IP             Specify the IP.
  -m, --client NAME               Specify the client name.
  -d, --server [0-10]     Specify the notice connect server.
  -n, --action [0-23]     Specify the notice action.
  -i, --serviceName Service Name  Specify the notice service name.
  -y, --facility [0-17]   Specify the notice facility.
  -g, --msgCode CODE      Specify the notice msgCode.
  -j, --varContent Var Content            Specify the var content delimiter ;.
  -N, --task NAME         Specify the task name.
  -S, --task status               Specify the task status.
  -U, --user id           who can get this notice.
  -G, --group id          who can get this notice.
  -Q, --link id           open link AppID e.g. qpkg
  -L, --link option               open App options
  -q, --query             Query the data of notice logs.
  -s, --sort [0-23]       Set the sort type.
  -l, --lower NUM         Set the lower bound.
  (NUM >= 0, NUM <= upper)
  -o, --upper NUM         Set the upper bound.
  (NUM >= 0, NUM >= lower)
  -e, --filter [0-1]      Specify the filter type.
  Sort types:
  0 = Sort by time in ascending order.
  1 = Sort by time in descending order.
  4 = Sort by notice severity in ascending order.
  5 = Sort by notice severity in descending order.
  6 = Sort by user in ascending order.
  7 = Sort by user in descending order.
  8 = Sort by IP in ascending order.
  9 = Sort by IP in descending order.
  10 = Sort by client name in ascending order.
  11 = Sort by client name in descending order.
  12 = Sort by id in ascending order.
  13 = Sort by id in descending order.
  20 = Sort by facility in ascending order.
  21 = Sort by facility in descending order.
  22 = Sort by msgcode in ascending order.
  23 = Sort by msgcode in descending order.
  Report bugs to <nas...@qnap.com>
  LogitechMediaServer is not running, or was already stopped!                   
  [admin@QNAP2 LogitechMediaServer]$

|Filename: QLogitechMediaServer.log.err.txt                         |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=37158|

NAS: QNAP TS-459U+ QTS 4.2.6 (4x 2TB, RAID5)
Services: LMS 8.2.0 by QLMS 2.21.00   'QLMS at QNAP club'
Squeezebox:  6x Receiver, 3x Boom, 2x SB3 Classic, 1x Touch
Controller:  Control by Material skin or iPeng, Local music or Spotify
by Spotty
jasell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17817
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