bpa wrote: 
> CLI is standard part of LMS. All the CLI commands & parameters are
> integral part of LMS and used by all other UIs.   Check WebUI
> Settings/Advanced/Command Line Interface  - see if it is enabled (it can
> be disabled using a command line option to set port to zero) and the
> port number in its settings (possibly changed from 9090) - don't know
> about docker setup so perhaps port 9090 is not configured in Docker.
> (offical Docker thread is the place for that question.
> I was think it might be better rather than have a loop in the Lua
> script, have a Windows batch file which has a loop and a timeout - this
> way ncat script is simple.
> > 
  >   > 
  > loop:
  > ncat xxxxx
  > timeout <yyy sec>
  > goto loop
> > 
> The lua script would then just check (i) state of player - stop,
> paused, playing and (ii) if playing get details.
> edit:
> Minor concern - I'm not sure if the the url_decode routine will fully
> handle UTF8 encoding (e.g.  accented characters, non Latin characters)

Wow that was easy it's all running like i wanted it.:)

I run the cmd file as a service with nssm. And don't look back:cool:
All my tags already have UTF8. So no problem there I think. The app
(also has an option for that)

In the other answer someone has a complete linux base working with
So maybe i can eliminate windows all together.

Big thank you again:p

Greetings Henk

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