Henrik Nordström wrote:
tor 2008-01-10 klockan 20:40 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries:

Doh! thanks. I think I see the problem, its should be checking tmpbuf is NULL when no records are present, non-NULL when they are. The assert was there to stop the safe free dying nastily. If it's working for you better without great. I'll commit the fix to HEAD shortly.

safe_free happily accepts NULLs.. hence the name safe_...

I forget exactly why it was there. Likely a crash when it was non-NULL when it should have been NULL. Fixed now anyway.

BTW Henrik: You see the case for CNAMEs now? That lookup is a pretty clear example.

That lookup is an exact case of what I have been saying all time along.
If an AAAA query do not return an AAAA record (only CNAME or other stuff
not asked for) you must fall back on an A query, just the same as if no
records at all was returned.

Aha, I sees' 'ze bugs.

query 1: AAAA
response: CNAME + NX additional
result: was returns no-results shortcut in DNS.
(identical if A returns CNAME-only)

query 2: AAAA
response: NX or ip + anything
result: failover to A

query 3: A
response: NX or ip + anything
result: return answers for A.

Without the recursion 1 results in neg-cache. With it enabled the recursion skips the bug and failover results in 2 & 3 running on the recursed lookup to hit bug #2 (no AAAA ever returned, but connection goes through).

So, no, I don't see the case for needing to manually recurse CNAMEs. The
name server resolver already does that for you, don't try to outguess
the resolver.


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