tis 2008-04-01 klockan 09:23 +1100 skrev Robert Collins:
> On Mon, 2008-03-31 at 20:43 +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> > 
> > But I have to ask Robert how we best continue the merge process on
> > that
> > branch.. I suspect it would actually be best to recreate the branch as
> > a
> > new bzr branch from trunk, if it's kept at all...
> We can manually sync it up quite cleanly if we can determine the last
> revision of trunk merged to it; after that merges would be smooth.

>From what I can tell based on the CVS tags it last merged with revision
8716 (cvs-1:serassio-20080302203406-x08yy0xwyogu864i) in


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