sön 2008-04-06 klockan 16:48 +0200 skrev Guido Serassio:
> My needs are:
> - A Windows specific "development/stable" branch based on the STABLE 
> branch, so, now there is

Which I question, but we had that discussion already.

> SQUID_NT_3_0 based on SQUID_3_0, likely in the future will be 
> SQUID_NT_3_1 based on SQUID_3_1.
> - This branch must be populated with the content of the current 
> SQUID_NT_3_0 branch.
> - The branch must be public to allow someone to work on it.
> - The branch content must be placed in a reliable location (backup, 
> availability, etc)
> What is the better solution ?

My vote is that you create a new private branch from 3.0 for fixing
Windows specific issues, apply the latest NT patch there and select a
suitable location to publish the tree at. Suggested hosts are

- launchpad
- squid-cache.org
- any http/ftp/bzr server of your own choice which meets your
reliability requirements

> I was able to do a simple commit on trunk, but I still some doubt about:
> - When using bzr commit, if  the -m option is missing, the default 
> editor is called like CVS ? there is nothing about in the documentation

Yes, you get an editor window to supply the commit message.

> - bzr diff is equivalent to cvs diff -up ?


> - It seems to me that the bzr process is very heavy compared to CVS: 
> checkout and commit time are very long.

the first checkout is very very slow, after that it's not too bad (if
you use bzr 1.2+, earlier versions crawl over ssh)

> - What is the bzr path syntax on Windows ?

URLs should work anywhere..


> - How run bzr on MinGW ? There is no info about on http://bazaar-vcs.org

The Windows version should work fine from mingw.

The primary requirement is a working Python installation. The all-in-one
bzr windows installer is a bundle of both Python and bzr.

> Another question:
> On the machines where I run build tests, usually I have a local 
> anoncvs copy of the tested CVS branch (usually HEAD or the stable branch).
> Now what is the lighter way to have an updated read-only copy of a branch ?
> On some of these machines bzr is not usable because the required 
> python version is not availablet or the machine is really too slow to 
> work with bzr.

One suggestion: Get a checkout somewhere, and rsync it over to the
target. For trunk you also need to bootstrap the sources

Or run tests based on the nightly snapshots. 

Actually when thinking of it I think we should provide an rsync source
for current Squid sources.. Done.

where <version> is one of 3, 3.0, 2, 2.7, 2.6


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