sön 2008-04-06 klockan 18:44 +0200 skrev Guido Serassio:

> If I'm not wrong, the needed steps are listed in the "Merge another 
> branch into yours" section.
> The "SOURCE_OF_FOO" branch must be already locally checked-out, right ?

Not unless you want to.. but if you follow the instructions it will be.

To create a private branch follow the instructions on how to set up a
local repository and the committer branch(es),
including .bazaar/locations.conf

Then to create a private branch go to the working directory of the
branch you want to start from and run

   bzr cbranch . ../yourbranchname

this will create a private branch "yourbranchname" and a checkout of the

To publish this somewhere you run from within the working tree of the
net branch

  bzr push url://where.it/is/to/be/published


  bzr push bzr+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/public_html/bzr/squidnt-3
  (the write path for http://www.squid-cache.org/~serassio/bzr/)

To create the target repository location run

  bzr init-repo bzr+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/public_html/bzr/

Instructions for publishing on launchpad is similar..

> >The Windows version should work fine from mingw.
> It seems no.

Odd. It should.

> >
> Phyton is build for standard Windows environment, while MSYS+MinGW 
> uses a simple emulated BASH environment, with different path names handling.

Does it? I thought MinGW used win32 naming and only cygwin had that
emulation together with the rest of the POSIX emulation..

Reading.. ah, the magics is in MSYS. But I don't see how that's relevant
to bzr. Give it a url for the win32 path and it should work, it's not an
MSYS application. I guess it in theory should even work giving it an
MSYS path but not sure if bzr likes raw win32 names with c:\ and all

or use bzr from a windows shell, outside of MinGW..

> Probably a different bzr installation is needed, but I still cannot 
> find python binaries for MSYS+MinGW ....

All the mingw documents I have seen talks about using win32 python

> >One suggestion: Get a checkout somewhere, and rsync it over to the
> >target. For trunk you also need to bootstrap the sources
> So bootstrap before rsync is better ....

Probably. The rsync source at squid-cache.org is bootstrapped.

> It will work over a NFS share ?

Yes, it works fine to compile Squid over NFS shares. If you do I
recommend using a separate build directory per target.

   mkdir -p build/targetname
   cd build/targetname
   ../../configure --enable...

just make sure the source tree is fully clean first...

> The rsync repository is bootstrapped ?


> The bootstrap of Squid on Tru64, Irix and others is not a so simple 
> question .... :-(

I know, but you only need to bootstrap at the distribution point from
where you rsync, not on each host..

or if you use the nightly snapshots then nothing special is needed. Just
download the snapshot and build. It's bootstraped, date tagged and all.


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