On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 8:23 PM, Alex Rousskov
> On Thu, 2008-04-17 at 17:53 +1200, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>  > Alex Rousskov wrote:
>  > > Hello,
>  > >
>  > >     Recent Squid3 discussions mentioned a set of rules or guarantees for
>  > > AsyncCalls and Comm APIs. Where do you think these things should be
>  > > documented?
>  > >
>  > > * Source code, header files: More chances to keep the description up to
>  > > date and version-specific but in the way of day-to-day development
>  > > activities and more difficult to modify, especially without fancy source
>  > > code editors and once the code is released. Doxygen can do basic
>  > > rendering.
>  > >
>  > > * Source code, .cc files: Same as header files but possibly less in the
>  > > way of day-to-day development. Doxygen can do basic rendering.
>  > >
>  > > * Wiki: Easy to modify, no need to skip when developing, but more
>  > > chances of getting out of date. Somewhat better rendering and discussion
>  > > abilities.
>  > >
>  > > * Other?
>  >
>  > * Source code .dox file: Essentially a .cc but with no compilable code.
>  > Just the specially formatted comments. This keeps it out of the .h and
>  > .cc files and developers way. But comes with a penalty that some updates
>  > _may_ make them incorrect (same applies to wiki). Doxygen can do the
>  > rendering, .h and .cc files can reference it into any adaption API.
>  Should the .dox file go into src/, next the the corresponding .cc and .h
>  files? Or should it go into doc/Programming-Guide/?
>  At this point, I am interested in collecting formal API guarantees, not
>  writing a true Guide, but it feels like .dox files should go into
>  doc/Programming-Guide.

I'd keep them close to their source-files, as it'd be more clear a
reminder to developers to update them.


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