The current suggestions are:

.h (as a second-best as .dox in src/) -- Amos
.dox (in src/) -- Kinkie.
.h (longer documents in .dox in docs/ or src/) -- Henrik.

> > To clarify:
> >
> > Longer API documents, .dox file in docs/, or maybe src/ next to the .cc
> >
> > Basic rules the code need to fulfill, or until the API documentation
> > grows large, in the .h or .cc file.

OK, I think everybody will be more-or-less satisfied if the initial,
small API documentation (like the Comm and AsyncCalls rules we have
discussed) will start in src/*.h files. We will migrate to src/*.dox
files later, if the documentation grows too large. And yes, those .dox
files, if any, will be in there module sub-directory, next to .cc and .h

If you have any objections to the above plan, please post.

Thank you,


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