> sön 2008-04-20 klockan 22:14 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov:
>> The current suggestions are:

.h (as a second-best as .dox in src/) -- Amos

>> .dox (in src/) -- Kinkie.
>> .h (or perhaps .cc) -- Henrik.
> To clarify:
> Longer API documents, .dox file in docs/, or maybe src/ next to the .cc
> Basic rules the code need to fulfill, or until the API documentation
> grows large, in the .h or .cc file.
>> P.S. BTW, I do not give much weight to "keep them close so that they are
>> updated" arguments because in my experience documentation freshness
>> depends on code review and the size of the comment, not its location.
> I disagree here, I find it a lot easier to make sure the basic
> documentation is there if in the same file as the implementation. But
> the Squid project is not a good example in either direction as we do not
> have any history of actually keeping any kind of documentation up to
> date, neither inline or in separate documents.. (only the opposite)
>> There are plenty of outdated comments in Squid sources, for example.
> True.. just as there is plenty of outdated code...
> But I usually kill them (both) these days if touching nearby code..
> Regards
> Henrik

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