lör 2009-09-12 klockan 23:36 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:
> Updating the checklist today I again wonder if we can repeat the step 
> from 2.7 and enable HTTP/1.1 on requests sent to servers

The default in 2.7 is 1.0 still. There is an option to enable 1.1, or
actually three.. (http11 cache_peer option, server_http11 directive and
http11 http(s)_port option)

> As far as I can see the missing bits 3.2 needs to take that step are:
>   - reject http-Upgrade requests from clients.
>   - reject Expect-100 requests from clients.

Unfortunately there is several clients which will fail if you do that...
sending Expect: 100-continue, but not expecting it to be rejected with
417 Expectation Failed...

is why there is an ignore_expect_100 directive in 2.7.. default off but
many of the setups using 2.7 as normal proxy have had to enable this..

> anything else?

I don't think so.


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