On 01/28/2010 06:34 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
>> On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 22:49 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:
>>> c) Co-Advisor currently only tests MUST-level requirements. Old Robert's
>>> checklist contained some SHOULD-level requirements as well. I see that
>>> Sheet1 on the spreadsheet has SHOULDs. Are we kind of ignoring them (and
>>> Sheet1) for now, until all MUSTs on Sheet2 are satisfied?
>>> d) I do not know who created the spreadsheet. Whoever it was, thank you!
>>> Is there a script that takes Co-Advisor results and produces a
>>> spreadsheet column for cut-and-pasting?
> Spreadsheet by me. Item format + naming by the Co-Advisor authors. Data
> by Y! testing + me for the estimated column.
> I tried to base it on yours Rob for a historical view of the 2.x
> support. But the item naming and crossover was too different and too
> much work to be reliable and easy. half-sorry ;)
> Alex: the current form is effectively a XLS dump cross-test of the
> Co-Advisor results. Plus manual estimations for the "guess" column.
> I've forgotten what was on the Sheet2. So yes it's missed a few rounds
> of updates.

By Sheet2, do you mean Sheet1? Sheet2 seems to be more polished and it
opens first by default. Please double check.

Can you explain what "XLS dump cross-test of the Co-Advisor results"
mean? Co-Advisor produces HTML and XML output. If you have a script that
converts that to XLS, please share.

Thank you,


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