On 11.04.06 11:13, Guillaume Vachon wrote:
> To the last message some line of my config files are missing.. this is
> my total squid.conf : 
> cache_mem 100 MB
> cache_dir aufs /opt2/squid-cache/ 5000 16 256

these should be OK and cause your squid not to eat much of RAM, nor disk
i/o. I hope you don't use FreeBSD <=4, which doesn't support aufs well.

I'd say, with your configuration, you could even have 128 MB of memory cache
and 50 GB of disk cache, and have fast cache.

> cache_log /opt2/squid-logs/cache.log

Did you look at cache_log when your cache "became slow"?

how much of memory was used, free, what about swap?
what about CPU times and disk I/O ?

look at output of "top", "free" (on linux) or "pstat -s" (on FreeBSD) and
"iostat -d" (sar package on linux) to see where 's the bottleneck (CPU, RAM,
DISK I/O) to see what do you need to solve.

> redirect_program /usr/local/squid/bin/zapchain 
> /usr/local/squid/bin/squidGuard 
>      "/usr/local/squid/bin/SquidClamAV_Redirector.py
>      -c /usr/local/squid/etc/SquidClamAV_Redirector.conf"
>  redirect_children 30

did you try to comment out these lines and work for a while without
redirector, to see if it's not redirector causing this problem?
or maybe you don't have enough of redirectors.
look at cachemgr output, redirector info.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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