On 31/12/2011 10:45 p.m., Pieter De Wit wrote:
On 31/12/2011 21:32, someone wrote:
Ok, I rm -rf`d all directories named squid from my box thinking that
attempting to do a fresh install after would fix everything NOPE, and
wtf, apparently the install binary wont recreate the directories now,
yay! wtf symlink madness???? any suggestions how to just get squid to
reinstall from apt would be, sooooooooo awesome.

I removed squid due to a botched attempt to build and isntall from
source, ok, then when I reinstalled squid after doing a make uninstall,
squid was complaining about the error pages missing, it was looking for
them in  a new dir that it should not have been.

rm -rf /usr/share/squid3/<--squid3.1.6 SHOULD be looking here
rm -rf   /usr/share/squid-langpack<---but,squid keeps looking for them

No. Squid 3.1 uses error page templates provided by the langpack. It is correct.

At this point I agree with Pieter suggestion. Use "dpkg -l | grep squid" to find all the packages which you may have damaged by removing "squid" directories.

At the minimum there will be squid3, squid3-common and squid-langpack.

When you have determined what needs repairing use "aptitude purge" followed by the package names to drop them out of your system.

Then and re-install them.

The squid wiki.squid-cache.org/KnowledgeBase/Debian has the required options to build squid for Debian.


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