Squid dosn't just offer bandwidth saving if you ask me.
Squid can sit between two network interfaces or the net and the client
and be a "proxy" which can handle much traffic and packets then other
network equipment exists.
if it works on LINUX or any other OS affect it in many ways that
normally you would not notice unless you will do a tcpdump and see how
much traffic get drops in the kernel level on a loaded system.(try it
let say on a small cisco that do not fit the network traffic load).

The hit ratio is one of the aims of a proxy and specially a cache proxy
You can use calamaris to analyse the log in a schematic way but since
there is a traffic flow, once you understand the traffic flow you will
see different things that happen which you would normally wouldn't.

A real-world scenario is that the client has good network traffic flow
from his machine to the proxy but the network from the proxy can handle
more traffic.

In the above case once you will see in tcpudmp how the traffic goes from
one side to the other and some if not many network issues are being
proccessed and handled by the proxy server and not the client.
Which means the proxy coordinate the client and the site networks which
for example The Linux kernel well known to handle better then couple


On 07/24/2013 05:19 PM, Henrik Lidström wrote:
> On 07/24/13 12:48, John Joseph wrote:
>> Hi
>> How could I do a test on squid server and check the performance on the
>> bandwidth saved.
>> Is there any tool for the same.
>> I know squid can save bandwith, but I want to convince others with proof
>> Guidance and Advice requested
>> thanks
>> Joseph John
> You could test calamaris V.2.99 logparser if that fits your need?
> http://cord.de/tools/squid/calamaris/
> Example from my home:
> # Summary
> Calamaris statistics
> --------------------------------------------------------- --------------
> ------
> lines parsed: lines 157608
> invalid lines: lines      1
> parse time: sec      6
> parse speed: lines/sec  26268
> --------------------------------------------------------- --------------
> ------
> Proxy statistics
> --------------------------------------------------------- --------------
> ------
> Total amount: requests 157608
> unique hosts/users: hosts     24
> Total Bandwidth: Byte 14063M
> Proxy efficiency (HIT [kB/sec] / DIRECT [kB/sec]): factor   9.15
> Average speed increase:                                               
> %  29.71
> TCP response time of 100% requests: msec    322
> --------------------------------------------------------- --------------
> ------
> Cache statistics
> --------------------------------------------------------- --------------
> ------
> Total amount cached: requests  85761
> Request hit rate:                                                     
> %  54.41
> Bandwidth savings: Byte  3616M
> Bandwidth savings in Percent (Byte hit rate):                         
> %  25.71
> Average cached object size: Byte  44214
> Average direct object size: Byte 152472
> Average object size: Byte  93564
> --------------------------------------------------------- --------------
> ------
> <snip>
> /Henrik

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