On 25/07/2013 7:08 a.m., Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
On 07/24/2013 10:02 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
On 25/07/2013 1:44 a.m., Golden Shadow wrote:

You can show them the hits statistics you get from the cache manager
squidclient mgr:info

However, having a hit ratio of 30% let's say does not necessarily mean
that squid would save you 30% of bandwidth.
On the contrary. That is exactly what "Byte HIT-ratio" means: that in
the last 5 min or 60 min (whichever it appears in) it has *already*
saved that much % of upstream bandwidth.


Would squid change the expiration headers?
it means that IMS requests will accrue more frequently and it means that
the bandwidth saving is much more then most logs will show.

Squid should not be, unless the refresh responded with new ones. In which case those new ones get passed on and if possible the existign cache updated (see bug #7 though).


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