
Agggghhhh! I've just found the problem... SELinux.  Despite me
initially running setenforce Permissive, I must have forgotten to set
it on reboot.

I'm now running; the 3.4.5 RPM from here;

I apologise for wasting your time, it's now all running successfully.



On 1 July 2014 20:26, Eliezer Croitoru <elie...@ngtech.co.il> wrote:
> On 07/01/2014 09:25 PM, John Gardner wrote:
>> Eliezer
>> I have now re-created the SSL certificates by creating the CSR,
>> sending the to the CA and getting the new certificate back.
>> Unfortunately, I'm still getting the same error;
> I have just understood something:
> I did not released oracle 3.4.3 RPM but a 3.4.5 so the "squid -v" should be
> the first thing to verify.
> Then the list of installed packages using:
> "yum list installed"
> Also just noticed..
> Did you generated a PEM certificate from the CSR??
> There a very detailed process describes at:
> http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/Reverse/SslWithWildcardCertifiate
> Which also helps to create a rootCA, CSR and then a certificate.
> It will probably not be authorized by you browser but will be accepted by
> squid.
> The wiki page will give you all the details you should know about the
> process by a quick look.
> Try to follow the instructions to make sure that squid is working on not
> working with some certificates.
> I will try to provide later a certificate that works with my server(not my
> real one...).
> Eliezer

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