on 2/21/03 2:53 PM, Jesse Guardiani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 21 February 2003 17:35, Kurt Bigler wrote:
>> on 2/21/03 2:14 PM, Jesse Guardiani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> 1.) Do you have a WORKING IMAP or POP3 server installed on the machine in
>>> question?
>> Yes, qmail+vpopmail.  No IMAP currently.
>>> 2.) If the answer to question 1 above was 'yes', then do you have to log
>>> in with [EMAIL PROTECTED], or can you log in with just 'user', while accessing
>>> a port on 'domain'? ('yes' for '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' only. 'no' for logins with
>>> just 'user' on a port at 'domain')
>> Yes, I login as just user, because the logindomainlist popup is present and
>> already defaulted to the correct domain due to my changes to sqwebmail.c.
> But what about POP3?? That's the whole point of these questions. Can you log
> in
> as just 'user' with POP3?

Certainly not.  I have a lot of domains, and user names are not unique
across them.  But just to be sure I just tried it, and no it did not work.

Just for your reference, my SqWebMail config options as shown in config.log

  $ ./configure --enable-webpass=vpopmail --without-authuserdb
--without-authpam --without-authpwd --without-authshadow --without-authldap
--with-authvchkpw --enable-imageurl=/images --enable-hardtimeout=100000
--enable-cgibindir=/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin --with-ispell=/usr/bin/ispell

-Kurt Bigler

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