on 2/21/03 11:33 AM, Jesse Guardiani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 21 February 2003 13:58, Kurt Bigler wrote:
>> on 2/21/03 10:07 AM, Jesse Guardiani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Friday 21 February 2003 11:55, Dale wrote:
> <snip>
>> I would appreciate it if you could comment on whether your solution based
>> on IP etc will make it unnecessary to do what I was suggesting in my
>> original response to this thread.  Although I currently use vpopmail, I
>> would prefer a solution that does not depend on vpopmail.  I would
>> definitely like the solution to be able to provide a _default_ rather than
>> a fixed domain, so that other domains can be typed or selected from a popup
>> if desired.
> As I mentioned in the original post, vpopmail users can set the
> environment variable from apache to facilitate transparent domain hard-coding
> per
> host. However, this method only applies to vpopmail users, and doesn't allow
> for
> a "default" as you mention above.
> The method I am working on (mostly in my head right now) will consist of a
> comma
> or colon delimited flat file, with one IP:DOMAIN pair per line, as in the
> example
> below:
> etc...
> I will read the IP from the SERVER_ADDR CGI environment variable (set by
> apache),
> and compare this IP to the flat file above.

My server is set up to do name-based virtual hosting, and so I haven't had
experience with anything else.  My server has only one IP address.  Does
what you are suggesting apply to this situation?  Perhaps you are solving a
problem at an entirely different level from the one I was trying to solve.

So to clarify, what I would envision as a alternative to what you were
suggesting, but which would solve the problem I need to solve, would be a
similar table:


Where the first field is the HTTP_HOST value and the second field is the
associated login domain.

This is because I do not want to assume that it will always look like this:


For example somedomain4 might be in another language, in which the term
"webmail" would not apply.  So I do need such a lookup list.  It could be
that the logindomain list can contain an optional colon followed by the
HTTP_HOST value, just reversing the fields above, possibly followed by a 3rd
field specifying whether a popup list should be presented for that
HTTP_HOST.  This avoids having to maintain yet another list of domains, but
I think gives the full desired functionality.  I suspect this idea might
apply to your IP-based mapping, even though I don't understand that yet.

In any case, the config file idea is probably easier to use than setting an
environment variable per apache virtual domains.  Rolling it into the
existing logindomainlist without requiring a popup would be icing on the

How does this relate to what you are doing?

-Kurt Bigler

> I _COULD_ just do a reverse DNS lookup, but this would be undesirable, since
> not
> every domain has proper reverse DNS available. And it's restrictive. I dislike
> restrictive programming.
> I think I can implement the next step in a two part conditional:
> 1.) If the user is using the 'logindomainlist' file, we will simply default
> the
> list to the DOMAIN field of the matching IP:DOMAIN record in the IP lookup
> flat file.
> 2.) If the user isn't using the 'logindomainlist' file, we will create a
> 'logindomain' hidden field on the login.html page with a value of DOMAIN
> from the IP lookup flat file.
> All of this will make IP-DOMAIN lookups usable for non vpopmail users. A
> number
> of improvements can be made in the future, such as CDB lookups and such, but
> this
> is beyond the scope of what I'd like to implement in the near future.
> I'd also like to FIX vpopmail IP-alias domain capability in sqwebmail at the
> same
> time. Vpopmail _SHOULD_ be capable of automatic IP-aliasing (if enabled in
> vpopmail
> source and with 'vipmap') by only setting the TCPLOCALIP environment variable
> equal to SERVER_ADDR in the auth module, but I can't get it to fly.
> More debugging I guess.
> Anyway, that's basically what I plan to do. Shouldn't be too hard to
> implement.
> What do you think Sam? Sound decent?
> I have some time today, and hopefully over the weekend, to code. I've already
> promised my users that I'll get IP-alias functionality working within a month
> (two weeks ago), so I'm pretty commited to getting this done soon.
> Any thoughts/input would be welcome.
> Jesse
>> Thanks,
>> Kurt Bigler

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