On Mon, Feb 09, 2004 at 08:43:07AM -0500, Andy Firman wrote:
> > Yes, the address books are just plain text files.
> Excellent.  What about having phone numbers and other information listed?
> Or is the address book limited to email addresses & nicknames only?

It's just an aliases file, "nickname<tab>list of e-mail addresses" if I
remember rightly.

> If the address book is limited to email addresses only, what do you
> recommend or use for global web based contacts software?

You can configure sqwebmail to query an LDAP database. It displays a limited
set of fields, which as far as I can see from the source
(sqwebmail/ldaplist.c) are

                        SAVE("sn", sn);
                        SAVE("cn", cn);
                        SAVE("givenname", givenname);
                        SAVE("o", o);
                        SAVE("ou", ou);
                        SAVE("l", l);
                        SAVE("st", st);

It wouldn't be hard to add extra attributes from inetOrgPerson, which would
probably be a useful thing to do anyway.

Otherwise, I guess you could use a separate LDAP-querying application, of
which I think there are many but I don't have any to recommend as I've
always just written my own in Perl. freshmeat.net may be a good starting



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