On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 01:20:50PM -0500, Radames Velez wrote: > Question I am currently running qmail with [1]qmailadmin 1.2.0 > [2]vpopmail 5.4.0 as well as sqwebmail-4.0.1. It seems that when users > send mail with an attachment, when the other person recives the email > the attachment gets renamed from its original for example: > Extentions.doc to ATT3928.doc. Has anyone seen this? Thanks for your > help.
Yep it's seen (search the list archives), but it's almost certainly a client issue at the receiving end. Sqwebmail encodes filenames which contain odd characters like spaces using a standard encoding method defined in RFCs, but which not all MUAs understand. I suggest you send one of these mails to a mailbox somewhere, then retrieve it: either using telnet like this $ script foo.txt $ telnet x.x.x.x 110 user username pass password retr 1 quit $ exit $ Or if you have access to the Maildir where it's stored, then copy the file from Maildir/cur/xxxxxxx and gzip it. Then you can paste it onto a message to this list, and we can tell you if the MIME headers are correct (Content-Disposition ??), in which case it's the receiving MUA which is at fault. Regards, Brian.