I've been trying to get this to work for about 2-3 weeks and haven't
gotten any further.cd sqwebmail-4.0.7make cleanmake

Crowdness scribbled the following on 10/30/2004 10:55 AM:

The webserver is running.
The domain is www.crowdness.com
Other pages run just fine.

OK - ^ Any other cgi-bin's running that you KNOW they work in that dir? (qmailadmin, etc)
First cgi-bin? Chck options in your httpd.conf
The cgi is set executable.
sqwebmaild is running... that was in the previous message.

OK-^ I saw that after I read your msg again. my bad.
The items in webmail on the webserver are days old from the first couple of
The permissions are fine on the cgibin and it's dir

OK-^ and those permissions are ...?
Let me know what other info you need to assist me.
"Rick van Vliet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Sorry - I went with a pretty standard install (no custom cgibin dir images location), so I'd expect to see the sqwebmail script (executable) in my /var/www/cgi-bin directory.
(Dumb questions):
Have you checked that your httpd.conf settings are such that cgi's *can* run in that folder?
And/or that you've got "Options +ExecCGI" configured in your apache httpd.conf?
Any "ScriptAlias" settings? (I need one so I can hit http://rickvanvliet.com/sqwebmail, not http://rickvanvliet/*cgi-bin*/sqwebmail

But I just checked in and saw what you're getting blank page (view source gets what you do)...double-check the location of those images.

I'm may have to leave this to someone more familiar with the *'non-standard'* locations, but I'd check my whole install step-by-step-by-step again including the /usr/local/share/sqwebmail/ ... images location... script location... and it might be some Apache stuff that needs your attention.
Sorry I haven't been more help.

anyone else - what am I missing?

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